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Le réseau d’avocats de tout C.S.E. qui compte.


Le réseau d’avocats de tout C.S.E. qui compte.

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In many ways, our society has become more litigious, forcing us to turn to legal services more and more often. This is why many works councils (CSE in France) now offer this type of service to their members. Most of the time, however, this is simply legal assistance provided by lawyers.


The DEFENCSE network is made up exclusively of lawyers, covered by professional confidentiality, who can initiate proceedings if necessary and defend their clients' interests. It was therefore important to highlight this difference.

That's why we came up with a name based on the idea of defence, symbolic of the lawyer's role. At the same time, we wanted to emphasise the specific nature of this network, which is aimed solely at CSEs. This led us to propose this signature: Le réseau d'avocats de tout C.S.E. qui compte.

The client

The DEFENCSE network offers Works Councils fixed-fee legal services for their members.



  • Brand platform

  • Identity & Branding

  • Webdesign UX/UI

  • Graphic studio